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Our Mission

Better for you

Have you ever wondered what the heck DRY CLEANING is? Or why dry-cleaned clothes have a chemical smell? Dry cleaners use chlorinated petroleum solvents…the same solvents factories use to degrease metals. That de-greaser is not only polluting your air, water and soil; it’s rubbing against your skin any time you wear those clothes. And that’s just not ok with us. Our customers are part of our community, and we value them enough to use better products and processes like non-toxic, biodegradable detergents and fresh water in every wash.


Our Mission

Better for your Clothes

The harsh chemicals dry cleaners use are really hard on your clothes – wearing down your go-to dress shirts, suits and dresses faster than normal. Our wet cleaning process is not only gentler than hand-washing, it gets your clothes cleaner and maintains clothes’ quality, color and fabric. Many customers have told us their clothes come back even softer than when they bought them!

Our Mission

Better for the Future

Austin isn’t just where we do business; it’s the city we choose to live in. The city we want to keep weird and amazing and food-lover-friendly for years to come. So, we have an environment-conscious lens for every aspect of the business:

  • We use the most environmentally friendly cleaning process (wet cleaning) for 100% of what we clean.
  • Our new fleet of Ford eTransit electric vans are used to minimize our carbon footprint
  • We use reusable clothing bags where possible instead of plastic bags
  • We offer recycling of hangers to all customers


Start reaping the benefits of cleaner, greener wet cleaned clothes today.